Adding Fog of War to an Actor

Setup fog of war in C++

For this tutorial, I already created a new actor (you can follow this documentation) for fog of war component and it is called MySampleActor.

I'll be adding the fog of war component at begin play so in MySampleActor.h file, let's first declare like this:

// On top of your header (above UCLASS) forward declare the class
class UAgoraFogOfWarComponent;


TObjectPtr<UAgoraFogOfWarComponent> FogOfWarComponent;

float FogRadius = 3000.f;

virtual void BeginPlay() override;

Then in MySampleActor.cpp file lets define BeginPlay and add set our component.

#include "AgoraFogOfWarComponent.h"
#include "AgoraFogOfWarStatics.h"

void AMySampleActor::BeginPlay()
    FogOfWarComponent = UAgoraFogOfWarStatics::AddFogOfWarComponentToActor(this);
    UAgoraFogOfWarStatics::SetFogRadius(FogOfWarComponent, FogRadius);

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