🎮Game Instance Subsystem

Subsystem that exists as long as the application is running.

Game Instance Subsystems are created automatically after GameInstance::OnInit function and they can be accessed from anywhere as long as the game is running. To create a new subsystem, right click on the Content Browser and under Blueprint Subsystems category you can create your own Game Instance Subsystem.

After you create the subsystem, you'll be greeted with an empty graph with default nodes.

  • Event OnInit - Called once at the beginning when your game application starts.

  • Event OnTick - Called every frame throughout your game only if ticking is enabled.

  • Event OnShutdown - Called once before the game application ends.

If you look at the details panel of the subsystem you can see additional settings.

To instantiate this subsystem open Project Settings -> Blueprint Subsystem -> Settings.

Then in Game Instance Subsystem Classes, add your blueprint-based game instance subsystem.

You're good to go! Now whenever your game starts, all the subsystems added here will be created and will exist until you exit the game.

Last updated